During self defense seminars, we often take a poll of the group about if they have been told or have heard that in a self defense situation putting your keys between your fingers is a good idea. The majority of people always say they have and that is exactly the problem, let me explain… When we go on to ask if anyone has ever tried to strike anything any sort of solid with their keys like that, or perhaps would be willing to punch the floor like that at any decent speed. Of course, the response is always that nobody had tried it, nor are they ready to. We seem to know inherently that this is a bad idea and are unwilling to take the challenge. If this is the case, then why would anyone think about doing this sort of thing to defend themselves. If you're not willing to test it in safe, controlled conditions, how can you hope to be able to do it under stress? Let's look at some reasons why putting your keys between your fingers is a bad idea and then we will give you the CORRECT way to use your keys as a tool for self defense.
Why NOT to put your keys between your fingers:
1) It takes time – You have less than a second and pressure is on. Even if you have a few seconds to see the assailant approaching, good luck getting everything in the right position..
2) If you strike it will damage your fingers – Try this: put a couple of keys between your fingers and then squeeze the ends together. Do you see how this makes for a virtual vice grip on your finger. This can also happen when you hit something, obviously resulting in torn up or possibly broken fingers. The fact is, holding keys like this doesn't do much damage either. There's just not much force impact, only the raking, which is rarely going to be enough to dissuade an assailant..
The hammer grip is easily the best for using your keys as self defense tools. Hold the keys and whatever else is attached so that they stick out of the top and bottom of your hand. Crash and hammer relentlessly without fear of damaging your fingers in the process. Though a knife is shown in the picture, keys or any other hard object can be used. Just something that’s a bit more straight than round so it fits well in the hand and you're good to go.
Reasons you should hold keys in a hammer grip for self defense:
1) It’s FAST – Hammer grip is fast and easy to set up, just grab your keys, and hammers are a gross motor skill. These skills stick with you under pressure.
2) It’s safe – In a hammer grip there are no qualms about smashing either side into the floor. This method passes the challenge, causing no damage to the hand or fingers.
3) It has more power – When you use this grip the entire force of the strike is concentrated onto the hard point sticking out. The hammering motion is fast, hard to stop, and brings all of your power to bear in the strike.
Something to note for key fob carriers is that you can reach the remote buttons with your thumb in the hammer position. That panic button is there for a reason!